Paul A. O’Keefe, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology and Lab Director
Click here for more information.
IMG_3158 Erin Yumei
Lab Manager
I graduated from National University of Singapore in 2014 with a major in psychology. My areas of interest include topics related to accessibility of education, performance, group processes, psychological and behavioral difficulties. I am currently researching how learning support structures can be improved in higher education in Singapore and, in particular, at Yale-NUS.
Yan Lin headshot Yan Lin Ho
Research Assistant
Yan Lin is a sophomore at Yale-NUS who is very likely to major in psychology. Specifically, she is very curious about social psychology and psychology of language, and is very excited about both her current courses in social psychology and anthropological linguistics. She is also passionate about psychotherapy, environmental issues and conservation and is involved in smaller environmental projects in school.
m&m photo Daryl Tan
Research Assistant
Hello! I’m Daryl, Class of 2017 and intending to major in Psychology. I first became interested in studying motivation through volunteering as a youth leader at my church and with the Boys’ Brigade, a uniformed youth organisation. Working with these youths can be challenging as one notices youths with low self-esteem giving up after not doing well in school. I also happen to be in charge of the bagpipe band in the Boys’ Brigade, and recruitment and retention can be rather tough in attracting people to learn an instrument that some think sounds like the wailing of a dead cat. As such, I hope that these studies in motivation can be applied effectively to such situations. As for my other research interests, I’m particularly interested in how the environment can motivate prosocial behaviour, applying social psychology in education and why on earth anyone would like blasting music really loud. My other academic interests include the history of religion, social policy in an urban context and the life sciences.
Headshot_Peter_Ooi Peter Ooi Teik Aun
Research Assistant
I have a background in the natural sciences at the ‘O’ and ‘A’ Levels, and while atoms and Quantum Theory are certainly intriguing, my real interest is in the social sciences. As human behaviour can be extremely diverse, I am curious to learn about the research methods social scientists use to study such fluid variables to produce concrete, verifiable results. My specific interest is in psychology, which I hope to eventually major in.
Chups Lim Chu Hsien
Research Assistant
I belong to the Class of 2018 from Yale-NUS College. I am interested in exploring why humans behave the way they do. Specifically, I am fascinated by the dynamic interactions of the social environment and the biology of human beings, with respect to human behaviours.